What if business felt as relaxed as Friday night drinks with your favourite girlies?

The Feminine is a natural amplifier. That means our frequency matters, and the people we surround ourselves with matter to keep it as high as possible matter, too. 

You didn’t come here for mediocrity. You came here for impact and legacy.

transformational business coaching 

So why don't you live like it? 

tell me how

real talk:

Manifestation is powerful AF. But there are so many more moving pieces to having a successful business than sex magic and feeling like your next level self is already here. 

Although I do a lot of that, obvs

Running a successful business is not about ideas or ambition, it’s about action.
And mental isolation takes away your ability to take action.

If you ever felt overwhelmed, unfocused, or you procrastinated
on your best and boldest ideas, it’s not your fault.
Your monkey mind it’s built to act only when you’re supported and accountable.

Add to it that entrepreneurship is often not what we’re used to in the people
we know IRL, and it’s easy to see how women as smart,
vibrant, sexy, and outrageous as you keep playing small. 

You don't have to do it alone.

Count me in

How It Works


Alignment underpins both strategy and executive coaching: it’s about making sense of how we show up in our business as well as our lives.
We do it with Evolutionary Astrology.


When you have clarity on what actions to take, you stop chasing every bright shiny new idea, or getting caught up in productive procrastination that does
not move the needle.


My passion lies in building a world where all women are fulfilled, whether in the boardroom, the bedroom, or at the playground.

Built for women who don’t vibe with the Earth Mama barefoot on a beach in Bali vibes and the idea their power and ambition are wrong. 

i can help because i've been there

It’s your time to step into a life that has you fully turned on, well-fucked, and rich AF.

That’s why you started your business, right?

You wanted the freedom that comes with making an impact and following your deepest soul calling instead of being a cog in the machine. 

You may have heard it before: “As above, so below. As within, so without”. Our businesses don’t exist in a vacuum. That’s why my containers are created for the whole woman. 

I learnt the hard way how true it is that how you do one thing is how you do all things.

Alexis Neve


TLDR: I started my business while my life was falling apart in an abusive marriage.

TLDR: I started my business while my life was falling apart
in an abusive marriage.

The Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses hit me right in the face with how being unexcited in one area bleeds into another, how codependence keeps you small, etc. 

You can’t outrun how you subconsciously see yourself.
You can only face it, and shift it. 

Let's do this

Here’s What You Need To Know

More time for yourself

No obligation to show up on a call at a specific time
every week because it's Telegram support

bespoke solutions

freedom to do what you're great at

The only shortcut to be consistent in business is to stay in your zone of genius. Yes, even as a team of one with no VA whatsoever.

Stop approaching business from a place of "should" and focus on what makes you feel resourced AF

Fuck yes!

- Jenni S.
Life coach and speaker (USA)

My time with Alexis was so beneficial.
She asked questions that made me really think about the purpose for the steps I want to take in my marketing. She took the time to celebrate what I was already doing. This was huge for me because I often feel like I'm not doing enough. Alexis challenged me to answer the question "why?" with what I thought I SHOULD be doing. Working with her helped me focus my efforts on what I need to accomplish my goals. 

How does this sound?

I know you’re self-aware and know the value of investing in being supported, but if you have a spouse who doesn’t understand entrepreneurship to discuss decisions with, or you’re a Virgo, here’s the data 😉


Ongoing accountability support increases the probability of goal accomplishment to 95%. (Harkin et al., 2016)


Just the knowledge of the possibility of impending accountability check-ins increases positive behaviours by 50%. (Oussedik et al., 2017)


Companies perform 10% better than competitors when their values, skills, structures and systems align with a shared strategy and purpose (PwC, 26th Annual Global CEO Survey)


The American Society for Training and
Development (ASTD) found that organisations that invested in coaching saw a 33% increase in productivity, a 27% improvement in quality, and a 21% increase in customer satisfaction.

The American Society
for Training and
Development (ASTD) found that organisations that invested in coaching saw a 33% increase in productivity,
a 27% improvement in quality, and a 21% increase in customer satisfaction.


A study by the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) found that coaching has a 221% ROI.

Sounds great, right? 

Is This Right For You?

you're here to go all in on yourself and your visions

You’re not in business because it looks glamorous.  

You’re willing to put in the work for the business to succeed

You’re kinda woo and open-minded (or wOO AF)

You joked at least once about being in your
villain era, and you
think I’m hilarious 

You joked at least once about being in your villain era, and you think I’m hilarious 

You’re passionate and ambitious and fucking fed up with feeling like you have to apologise for wanting more. 

But you're unavailable for achieving any of that through hustle that takes you away from your life and the people and things you love the most because Alex Hormozi said so

We speak fluent Astrogirlie over here!

You know you’re here to impact lives and are not afraid to raise your profile as a leader and expand your visibility online and beyond. 

is that a yes?

Leave the Good Girl behind and step into your Goddess Era

Leave the Good Girl behind and step into your Goddess Era

Working with me is all about embodiment of the person who has the results that you want. 

This is not to make you invest from a place of scarcity and the manipulative "you have to spend like she does" that was en vogue ca 2021. 

The price tag reflects the level of proximity to your brand, so 1:1 starts at $300 and is priced on proposal. 
Payment plans available. 



Come behind the scenes of my kinda spiritual jet-setting life. 
