Personal branding

You only get one chance at a first impression

I’m here to make it count

You want to help make the world to be a better place through your art. And to see it happen, you need a successful business that supports your material needs so you have the space and energy to do what you do best: CREATE. 

We have been sold a lie that to struggle for our art is a sign of being committed, but that's what we've been forced to do to survive in a society that doesn't value humans. 

The truth is that there is a better way: money is a tool to serve you and your visions rather than a master you serve. But to tap into that, you need to let go of the idea that all you need to be able to succeed is talent and amazing art. 

You need a strong personal brand. And that, my friend, means you need a business.

Personal branding

Build a brand that lives rent free in people’s head 

(like the HypMic credit songs in mine)

You want to help make the world to be a better place through your art. And to see it happen, you need a successful business that supports your material needs so you have the space and energy to do what you do best: CREATE. 

We have been sold a lie that to struggle for our art is a sign of being committed, but that's what we've been forced to do to survive in a society that doesn't value humans. 

The truth is that there is a better way: money is a tool to serve you and your visions rather than a master you serve. But to tap into that, you need to let go of the idea that all you need to be able to succeed is talent and amazing art. 

You need a strong personal brand. And that, my friend, means you need a business. 

Personal branding is the art and science of being proactive about your image

We see views, downloads, likes, and follows as the ultimate indicators of quality, when in fact, they're simply indicators of attention. A better indicator of whether or not we're on the right path is impact. Human to human.

Your brand photography allows you to tell your story through images and have a more visceral impact on who lands on your website, and increase the know-like-trust factor. 

I believe commercial photography can (and should) be just as beautiful and artistic as what we see in galleries. I approach it with the same devotion to the people in front of my lenses as I do documentary projects. 

Curation is not manipulation if it’s authentically you. 

Film and TV stylists curate characters all the time, but we don’t think they’re manipulating us. We just accept that this is what these fictional characters are like, and let their style speak to us. It’s the same for your style, too. 

I work with people who are boldly and unapologetically themselves, seeking a way to showcase their authenticity and creativity to the world in their brand visuals so they can grow their business and build a life of more ease, experiences, and pleasure.

I’m not interested in helping people curate a fake image to fit in. Yes, it would make me money, but it would cost me my integrity. It’s my mission to help people feel more empowered in who they really are, and not remain constricted by what society tells them they should be.
There’s magic in belonging, which is when you are loved and accepted for who you are instead. 

Personal branding is the art and science of being proactive about your image

We see views, downloads, likes, and follows as the ultimate indicators of quality, when in fact, they're simply indicators of attention. A better indicator of whether or not we're on the right path is impact. Human to human.

Your brand photography allows you to tell your story through images and have a more visceral impact on who lands on your website, and increase the know-like-trust factor. 

I believe commercial photography can (and should) be just as beautiful and artistic as what we see in galleries. I approach it with the same devotion to the people in front of my lenses as I do documentary projects. 

Curation is not manipulation if it’s authentically you. 

Film and TV stylists curate characters all the time, but we don’t think they’re manipulating us. We just accept that this is what these fictional characters are like, and let their style speak to us. It’s the same for your style, too. 

I work with people who are boldly and unapologetically themselves, seeking a way to showcase their authenticity and creativity to the world in their brand visuals so they can grow their business and build a life of more ease, experiences, and pleasure.

I’m not interested in helping people curate a fake image to fit in. Yes, it would make me money, but it would cost me my integrity. It’s my mission to help people feel more empowered in who they really are, and not remain constricted by what society tells them they should be. There’s magic in belonging, which is when you are loved and accepted for who you are instead. 

that's where I come in

My job as a photographer goes beyond giving you a finished product 

It’s more than knowing the rules of composition, how to pick a lens to get that dreamy blurry background, or how to create good lighting conditions in British weather (that’s outright magic, let me tell you). It’s more even than knowing how to use Lightroom to develop the RAW files.

My job is to hold a space where you feel comfortable showing up fully embodying who you are. Relaxed and at ease, like you are when you enjoy the moment without being self-conscious.

My job is to make you forget a camera is following you around, capturing key moments of a day in your life like we’re making a documentary about the rockstar you are (which we are).  

that's where  I  come in

My job as a photographer goes beyond giving you a finished product 

It’s more than knowing the rules of composition, how to pick a lens to get that dreamy blurry background, or how to create good lighting conditions in British weather (that’s outright magic, let me tell you). It’s more even than knowing how to use Lightroom to develop the RAW files.

My job is to hold a space where you feel comfortable showing up fully embodying who you are. Relaxed and at ease, like you are when you enjoy the moment without being self-conscious.

My job is to make you forget a camera is following you around, capturing key moments of a day in your life like we’re making a documentary about the rockstar you are (which we are).  

Your story in Pictures

I'm an Expert at Creating Content That Connects

You may not know the name of the photographer, but I’m sure you know the photo of Freddie Mercury punching down the mic at the Live Aid concert. The Beatles on the pedestrian crossing on Abbey Road. Tommy Lee Jones throwing a condom at a paparazzo from the car window. Even people who aren’t into rock music know them.

This is the legacy you can build with your visual branding. A consistent brand image that people can remember when they don’t remember a name.

Seth Godin said it best: “People don't buy goods. They buy relationships, stories, & magic.

I’m curious about the inner life of people, and I love to tell stories.
Our brains release oxytocin with great stories and we love images.

They process images 60,000 times faster than text.
We also retain 65% of information three days later when it’s paired
with relevant images.

Let’s build something incredible together

get a quote

Your story in Pictures

I'm an Expert at Creating Content That Connects

You may not know the name of the photographer, but I’m sure you know the photo of Freddie Mercury punching down the mic at the Live Aid concert. The Beatles on the pedestrian crossing on Abbey Road. Tommy Lee Jones throwing a condom at a paparazzo from the car window. Even people who aren’t into rock music know them. 

This is the legacy you can build with your visual branding. A consistent brand image that people can remember when they don’t remember a name. 
Seth Godin said it best: “People don't buy goods. They buy relationships, stories, & magic.

I’m curious about the inner life of people, and I love to tell stories.
Our brains release oxytocin with great stories and we love images. 
They process images 60,000 times faster than text.
We also retain 65% of information three days later when it’s paired
with relevant images.

Let’s build something incredible together

get a quote


Come behind the scenes of my life as a travelling witchy photographer
