Personal branding

Build a brand that lives rent free in people’s head

(like the HypMic credit songs in mine)

You have 50 milliseconds before someone has a first impression of you. That’s a lot of pressure, right?

I get it. I hate pain point marketing too. I’d rather talk about how brand photography can help you embody the person who has what you want. 

Because I know you are ambitious about your impact in business.

Nobody has a business for long without conviction that the world needs what they bring to it. 

I don’t care if you have a local brand helping a handful of people or you’re going to share the stage with Tony Robbins. If you make music or write books. If you live in a city or the edge of a forest. 

Personal branding

Build a brand that lives rent free in people’s head 

(like the HypMic credit songs in mine)

You have 50 milliseconds before someone has a first impression of you. That’s a lot of pressure, right?

I get it. I hate pain point marketing too. I’d rather talk about how brand photography can help you embody the person who has what you want. 

Because I know you are ambitious about your impact in business.
Nobody has a business for long without conviction that the world needs what they bring to it. 

I don’t care if you have a local brand helping a handful of people or you’re going to share the stage with Tony Robbins. If you make music or write books. If you live in a city or the edge of a forest. 


But I know what it’s like to be a woman, and all the pressure we’re under since we’re born (or even before then). 

But you hate the way you look, and you don’t even have anything to wear, and how do you even go about choosing the right photographer for you? 

I’m a type A woman in business and my friends are type A women in business, and I noticed some trends around personal branding.

From fear of being seen to confusion about what is aligned since everyone and their dog is selling you the strategy to skyrocket from 0 to 10K months without hustle. 

I saw the people complain online that brand photography was a waste of money because they spent thousands every month only to make no sales and recoup the investment.  

But their photoshoots had no strategy behind it because too many people think of brand photography as a niche buzzword to make their classic portraiture sound more appealing (it isn’t). 

And I’m a bit of a trailblazer, so I took notes. I pinned down the ways in which the photography industry isn’t serving you. And I built the way I work around it. And because my goal is to see women in business thrive, I don’t do cookie cutter packages. 

But here’s the BTS of my general process, and the why behind it. 

And I know how daunting it is to know your business would quantum leap if you just stopped procrastinating and booked a damn branding photoshoot

I want to get to know you, your business, and give you options targeted at your specific goals. 

But I know what it’s like to be a woman, and all the pressure we’re under since we’re born (or even before then). 

And I know how daunting it is to know your business would quantum leap if you just stopped procrastinating and booked a damn branding photoshoot.

But you hate the way you look, and you don’t even have anything to wear, and how do you even go about choosing the right photographer for you? 

I’m a type A woman in business and my friends are type A women in business, and I noticed some trends around personal branding, from fear of being seen to confusion about what is aligned since everyone and their dog is selling you the strategy to skyrocket from 0 to 10K months without hustle. 

I saw the people complain online that brand photography was a waste of money because they spent thousands every month only to make no sales and recoup the investment, but their photoshoots had no strategy behind it because too many people think of brand photography as a niche buzzword to make their classic portraiture sound more appealing (it isn’t). 

And I’m a bit of a trailblazer, so I took notes. I pinned down the ways in which the photography industry isn’t serving you. And I built the way I work around it. And because my goal is to see women in business thrive, I don’t do cookie cutter packages. 

I want to get to know you, your business, and give you options targeted at your specific goals. But here’s the BTS of my general process, and the why behind it. 

Here's how the magic happens

Planning with energetics 

One way I help my clients create a personal brand that sells consistently when they’re experiencing challenges with promoting their art and making a living from their passion is to dig to the deeper layer and look at mindset and energetics. 

Before creating their brand identity and photoshoot moodboards and all the beautiful things we love to play with as artists, I want them to be confident in who they are and what they stand for, so we can build a brand story that sets them apart from their niche mates, and magnetise their ideal clients.

And if someone needs more support with the brand strategy, I have solutions for that.

Here's how the magic happens

Planning with energetics 

One way I help my clients create a personal brand that sells consistently when they’re experiencing challenges with promoting their art and making a living from their passion is to dig to the deeper layer and look at mindset and energetics. 

Before creating their brand identity and photoshoot moodboards and all the beautiful things we love to play with as artists, I want them to be confident in who they are and what they stand for, so we can build a brand story that sets them apart from their niche mates, and magnetise their ideal clients.

And if someone needs more support with the brand strategy, I have solutions for that.

Your story in Pictures

I'm an Expert at Creating Content That Connects

I take a documentary approach to personal branding. Nobody wants to see a tense smile or the same stock poses that we associate with it.

I also stand against taking the “show your personality” piece in directions that don’t support the overall brand story. 

Actors know this already: even the style of headshot they use tells agents and casting directors the kind of roles they are after. There are many subtleties to creating images that communicate the famous thousands words of the aphorism. 

Whether it’s shooting in the actual place where the magic happens, or recreating it with strategic location scouting, the end result will be a mix of images to plug and play in marketing materials and visual storytelling like the booklet in an album back in the day,
or an editorial spread. 

I won’t do 30 min studio headshots, because I know it takes time to relax and feel comfortable knowing a camera is around.

I want you to have photos you can’t wait to show everyone because you love how you look, just because they’re for marketing it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to look and feel like you’re on the cover of Vogue! 

The minimum call out I offer is 2h, and I give you all the viable photos (edited but not super-retouched like it’s a fashion ad in the 2000s), and won’t charge you for the extra time if we go over by less than 1h because you’re a bit camera shy so don’t let the time limit stress you. 

It’s based on knowing from experience what’s reasonable for the average project to get you the must-haves of personal branding and make it fun and relaxed.

Relaxed shooting days, like a day out with a friend

Your story in Pictures

I'm an Expert at Creating Content That Connects

I take a documentary approach to personal branding. Nobody wants to see a tense smile or the same stock poses that we associate with personal branding. I also stand against taking the “show your personality” piece in directions that don’t support the overall brand story. 

Actors know this already: even the style of headshot they use tells agents and casting directors the kind of roles they are after. There are many subtleties to creating images that communicate the famous thousands words of the aphorism. 

Whether it’s shooting in the actual place where the magic happens, or recreating it with strategic location scouting, the end result will be a mix of images to plug and play in marketing materials and visual storytelling like the booklet in an album back in the day, or an editorial spread. 

I guide you through the shooting process

Nail the styling to match your brand identity

The biggest complaint I had from people unhappy with their previous photographer is that they weren’t told how to pose, or if they had live coverage of an event that all the shots are unflattering and no one told them how to position themselves when speaking so that the photographer would have good material to work with.

I spent my teens in theatre troupes, going deep in acting theory and how to direct. The way you move and the expressions you make are key part of a character, and key part of the character “your brand”. 

Curation is not manipulation if what you’re portraying is true to you. It’s just being intentional and proactive about what you communicate through non-verbal cues.

From what to wear to what make-up to put on (or ask your make-up artist for), part of the moodboard and pre-shoot prep will be how to show you in the best light (literally, skin tones and hair colour matter). 

Making sure you show up on the day with no more than the opening night jitters is my priority, because the energy you carry yourself with on shooting day matters for the result being as iconic as you are. 

I’m great at holding space for vulnerability, and will never judge your fears. I’m certified as a trauma-informed coach and in NLP, so we can work through them or I can refer you if the issues run deep and would benefit from professional intervention. 

I guide you through the shooting process

Nail the styling to match your brand identity

The biggest complaint I had from people unhappy with their previous photographer is that they weren’t told how to pose, or if they had live coverage of an event that all the shots are unflattering and no one told them how to position themselves when speaking so that the photographer would have good material to work with.

I spent my teens in theatre troupes, going deep in acting theory and how to direct. The way you move and the expressions you make are key part of a character, and key part of the character “your brand”. 

Curation is not manipulation if what you’re portraying is true to you. It’s just being intentional and proactive about what you communicate through non-verbal cues.

From what to wear to what make-up to put on (or ask your make-up artist for), part of the moodboard and pre-shoot prep will be how to show you in the best light (literally, skin tones and hair colour matter). 

Making sure you show up on the day with no more than the opening night jitters is my priority, because the energy you carry yourself with on shooting day matters for the result being as iconic as you are. 

I’m great at holding space for vulnerability, and will never judge your fears. I’m certified as a trauma-informed coach and in NLP, so we can work through them or I can refer you if the issues run deep and would benefit from professional intervention. 

“My time with Alexis was so beneficial. She asked questions that made me really think about the purpose for the steps I want to take in my marketing.” 

Jenny S, life coach

Own your brand narrative

I work internationally for larger projects (and you can split the cost with your biz besties too), but for the rest of Q2 I’m in London 🇬🇧 

Let’s give your brand a make-over this summer, applications open for July-Sept (and the June mini-sessions party). 

Ready to level up your brand?

apply now

Own your brand narrative

I work internationally for larger projects (and you can split the cost with your biz besties too), but for the rest of Q2 I’m in London 🇬🇧 

Let’s give your brand a make-over this summer, applications open for July-Sept (and the June mini-sessions party). 

Ready to level up your brand?

apply now


Come behind the scenes of my life as a travelling witchy photographer
