Baths in your designer inner city flat in the middle of the afternoon.
Retreats in the jungle in Costa Rica. Rosé for lunch in the Riviera on a random Monday in March.
Jumping in the sea in Bali like it’s a coming of age film.
Weekend getaways to Disneyland with all the things you didn’t get when you were little.
No more staring at your laptop late into the night, doing all the things your first business coach told you to do, wondering if a 9-5 would be a good idea since at least you’d see an end in sight and the hope of catching the happy hour at Disrepute.
master feminine business
real talk:
Let me tell it to you like it is: you can’t think your way into your feminine power and magic.
Doing all the things is never going to be as powerfulas doing the aligned thing.
Business success is a beautiful dance of masculine strategy and f
eminine energetics and emotional intelligence.
Alignment is one of those lofty words everyone throws around and takes for granted we know what it means while we were mostly raised to fit in with societal expectations
and live in the mind.
For me, it means doing things our way. Things that feel expansive and good in our bodies. Trusting that all roads lead to Rome so all strategies and tactics can work if you put in the right energy and give it enough time.
If you’ve ever experienced how time flies when you’re having fun, but maths class dragged on for a whole day and not even a hot young teacher could save it, you know it.
It’s easier to show up consistently and at the top of your game when you love what you do.
Even when the days are hard, and you had no sleep, and the prospect of burrowing under cover with Hakuoki is more appealing than sitting at your desk being a better TRIGGER centre than Tenn Kujo. That’d be me right now