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Alexis's Journal

A collection of blog posts about photography, personal branding, business, wellness, and more. Everything you may find useful to thrive as you grow your lifestyle brand, the witchy way

Inspiration for a wonderful life

laptop on bed near the balcony
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Art, Healing, and Pleasure

Pleasure is an important part of our lives that we often don’t talk about in our society. In this post, I’ll explore why it’s important, especially for artists. The following post contains affiliate links from carefully selected retailers I wholeheartedly support. When you purchase something you want, I get paid a small percentage at no extra cost […]

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Today, Venus has entered Libra, a sign which she rules. As a business owner, Astrology provides me with a tool to bring structure to the flow, and focus my attention in a way that is exciting as well as aligned with a deeper understanding of myself. There are a few key planets that I track […]

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The character Amy Sherman-Palladino would write in a series about a traveling witchy photographer obsessed with Hakuoki
Currently in: London 🇬🇧
Welcome to my blog, where I share bits about lifestyle and business.

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More from Alexis

The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

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Our Services

Start and grow your personal brand as an artist so you can make more money and have more space to create more of your magic, without selling your soul to the Capitalism demon and forget your magic is in who you are

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Come behind the scenes of my kinda spiritual jet-setting life. 
