
Starry Sky and Witchy Things Season 5

October 11, 2024

S5 is the longest season of Starry Sky and Witchy Things to date. The podcast aims to make esoteric knowledge relevant to the challenges of the modern age, especially for women who want to be more empowered in who they authentically are. 

At my last birthday, I enter a 12th house profection. The Twelfth House, aside from being the title of the wonderful podcast from Holisticim, is the House of the Subconscious and the Hidden. It’s associated to Pisces, so the liminal, and quite literally like the womb for a baby ready to be born as that’s where the Ascendant will fall and usher the first house, at least if you read your chart in Placidus. 

This house is both our self growth and our undoing, the place where our subconscious thoughts, beliefs and fears are born. If you believe in past lives, it’s where you find the imprint of those.

A Journey Through the Zodiac

It may seem a bit ironic that I would dedicate a whole season of the podcast to the behind the scenes of the 12th house in real time, as it would seem like a journey one would want to share in hindsight, but something in my intuition said that I should, and so I committed myself to following it. 

Ever since its beginning a year ago, I set out this podcast to be less of a place where I’m the expert teaching you and more where we explore together. That’s already counter-cultural, because podcasts are increasingly becoming platforms for people to prove they know stuff about something. 

I have a Master’s degree in history, so to an extent if you did not spend 5 years of your life researching the intellectual history of early modern Europe then I do know something you don’t, but I also don’t know as much as I would after a PhD specifically on magic.

Seasons of the Witch was an exploration of the feminine nature of time and life, and how living as a witch looks like in this day and age.

close up of a black container

2024 in Numerology and Life as a Spiral

In this episode I talked about my experience studying with Lindsay Mack in their “Intuition as a Spiral” course, and how that experience has shaped my approach to 2024 and this season of the podcast. I also discussed the themes underlying 2024 as a number 8 year in numerology. 

S5 E1

Astrology for 2024

In this episode I set the tone of the year ahead, looking over the energetic shift in the astrology for 2024 and in a tarot reading for the collective.

S5 E2

Back to Basics: Spells

I went back to the basics of star magic and cosmic witchcraft and delved into the intricacies of spells and manifestation, challenging common misconceptions. Drawing inspiration from Renaissance magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, I explored the interconnectedness of the earthly, cosmic, and divine realms through correspondences. With emphasis on the importance of intentional inner work this episode reminds us that magic’s effectiveness goes beyond quick fixes. 

S5 E3

Star Magic and Astrology

As part of the Back to Basics mini-series, I looked at Star Magic and astrology and continued the exploration of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s Books of Occult Philosophy.

S5 E4

The 12 Laws of the Universe 

The Laws of the Universe are one of those topics in Manifestation that are often thrown around with no context. I look back over the Esoteric tradition to explore what they really are and why they matter to magicians.

S5 E5

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Rethinking Healing

Magic is about empowerment, and some ways we think about healing can be unresourceful. In this episode, I got personal and shared my journey towards rethinking our healing journeys, and what I learnt from talk therapy and CBT over the years, and how this shaped my magical practice. 

S5 E6

Brigid, Persephone, and the Coming of Spring 

In this first shift into a different season of the Witch, I dived into the mythology of Celtic goddess Brigid, the parallels with Persephone in Greek Mythology, and why this goddess of Spring is relevant to cosmic witches.

S5 E7

Art, Healing and Creativity

I brought back the theme of S4 and explored the role of hedonism and pleasure in living a magical life through the lenses of art, healing and creativity.

S5 E8

Manifestation and Astrology Hot Takes

I can talk about Manifestation until the cows come home. In this episode, I shared a heartfelt opinion around a common message in the Manifestation space, and I looked at a misunderstanding regarding Astrology and its role in our understanding of ourselves and humanity.

S5 E9

Building a Legacy of Love with Lainne Love

My first guest episode of S5 saw the Award Winning Spiritual Psychology Coach & Bestselling Author, Leading-Edge Healer, Founder + CEO of A Bigger Mission, and very proud Momma Laine Love. We talked all about being visionary leaders and change-makers bringing a legacy of love, modern mystery schools, and self-mastery.

S5 E10

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Getting Intimate with Our Intuition with Shelby Avann

Shelby could just become this podcast’s co-host because we’re just so aligned. In this first of 3 appearances to date, I got to talk about my favourite things (embodiment, pleasure, and intuitive living), from tuning into the wisdom of our bodies all the way to kink with the incredible intimacy coach and healer Shelby Avann, who shared some powerful real life stories showing what it means to follow our intuition. She also went in depth into the topic of becoming intimate with our own intuition, and all the areas of our lives that it changes. 

S5 E11

The Law of Assumption, Choice Theory, and Faith for Atheists

The week I recorded this episode, I had a short exchange with Jaclyn Shaw on Instagram as she shared that she was opening a prayer portal. The exchanged inspired an episode of her podcast where she shared her journey of reconnecting with the ideas of God and prayer which for a time had been off limits for her. So in turn she inspired me to dive deeper into the topic of having trust in our manifestations if you can’t believe that there’s a benign divinity who has your back.

S5 E12

How Our Worldviews Affect our Self-Concept

This episode continued the exploration of how what we believe to be true about the world affects our self-concept, and in turn affects our Manifestations.

S5 E13

The Houses in Astrology

This episode introduced the second half of the season, where I looked at all the houses in Astrology in a pattern of solo teaching episode and guest appearance to discuss how the themes of the house came about in real life. I chose to go deep into this topic because one way to look at the seasons of the Witch is through the Zodiac, and how we spiral through the themes of the houses based on transits and aspects.

S5 E14

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The First House + Shifting Identities: my S3 Interview with Lou Henwood

In this pair of episode, I look at the First House of Self (where the Ascendant lies), which is one of the main areas of the birth chart (the sign that rules the Ascendant is one of the Big 3 because of how important the energy we bring out into the world is). For the guest episode, I re-aired the S3 episode with Lou Henwood because her journey to letting go in Manila is one major example of the transitions of coming home to our most authentic self.

S5 E15 and S5 E16

The Second House + Thriving in Life and Business as a Creative with Sarah Mac

The Second House is where we find our values and our material possessions. It’s the first step of the Self in the journey of self-actualisation. I had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible creative copywriter and multi-talented powerhouse Sarah Mac of the Creative Magic Club Podcast about her journey from London’s film industry to a 6-figures business via 18 countries.

S5 E17 and S5 E18

The Third House + Prospering on Purpose with Mary Gooden

Mary Gooden is an International Speaker, Best Selling Author, Founder of Divine Destiny Mentoring & Publishing, and the CEO of what she likes to call – her brilliant life. She has spent over a decade immersed in self-discovery, spiritual knowledge, mentoring, and sharing purpose-driven stories through her publishing house, which is a third house theme.

S5 E19 and S5 E20

The Fourth House + Healing the IC with Margie Breault

For the Fourth House, I had the pleasure of introducing Margie Breault, who came to talk about the important of healing the Imum Caelum (IC), which is the symbol of all of the baggage we carry from the past, including our ancestral line in our very DNA.

S5 E21 and S5 E22

The Fifth House + Self-Expression and Self-Care with Lily of the Light

Lily of the Light is a living embodiment of self-expression and parenting our inner child, as well as taking care of our adult self. I couldn’t have had a more perfect guest to come to talk about these themes of the Fifth House.

S5 E23 and S5 E24

woman in red beret wearing gold earring

Sexuality and self-expression with Shelby Avann

In a 2-part return of fan-favourite (and my favourite) Shelby Avann, we looked at the houses associated with sex in astrology. From our connection to the Sacral chakra in the Fifth House, to taboo and kink in the Eight House, we left no stone unturned.

S5 E25 and S5 E32

The Sixth House + The Witch Wound and Our Health with Elizabeth Kipp

The Witch Wound made a come back with Elizabeth Kipp, the first of two guests who came to discuss the House of Health and Routines. One aspect of the Sixth House is that it brings up ancestral patterns, which is her specialism. She kindly led us through a clearing prayer for the Witch Wound, too.

S5 E26 + S5 E27

The Journey to Wholeness through Hypnosis with Asha Hope

Asha was the second guest to talk about health and recovery, and the first to bring up hypnosis which is a theme that came back for the 12th House opposite it. He generously guided us through a hypnosis journey, a tool that I’m happy to return to over and over again.

S5 E28

The Seventh House in Astrology

The adventure to get a Seventh House guest has been quite the journey, eventually never having someone come on for it. Which is quite ironic, since I have Jupiter in my 7th house and it’s an area where I myself thrive, in spite of the hard lessons of my divorce.

S5 E29

The Eighth House + Activate your Wealth: Money Management with Lisa Drennon

After appearing 3 times in Lisa’s own work, I managed to get her to come on my show. We talked about everyone’s favourite topic for the 8th house: other people’s money. She shares in great detail her journey through debt and financial management even as someone whose job was the financial management of other people’s money! She also gives me marriage advice when it comes to money management and compatibility, so fingers crossed for things going well with husband no 2, which I’m fated to out-earn anyway 😉

S5 E30 and S5 E31

woman sitting on top of building s edge

The Ninth House + Leaving the Problem Paradigm with Mother Malia

The Ninth House is the one of spiritual expansion. I had the pleasure of sitting down with two guests to truly tease it out. The first was Jennifer Longmore, 11 time best selling author, founder of the #1 Akashic Record Training School in the world, and clear channel for Mother Malia: The Great Mother who is an ascended being who comes to the planet during times of great unrest to restore heaven on earth. We talked about new paradigm business and how much something as simple as holding the frequency of joy would change the world for the better.

S5 E33 and S5 E34

Sacred Journeys with Laura Bonetzky-Joseph

The TLDR of this episode is pure fire. We talked about spiritual expansion through pilgrimages, and her experience of taking a group to Ireland honouring the indigenous teachings of Celtic spirituality, healing the damage of Christian Imperialism and the lack of devotion towards spiritual places that is often found in the age of social media. She shared about some key goddesses of the Irish pantheon and how they shape our understanding of being spiritual women in a patriarchy.

S5 E35

The Tenth House + Ancestral Wisdom and Our Legacy with India of By The Brujas

This may be the episode where the “unusual takes on Astrology” that Lily spoke about in her episode came through the most. As the Tenth House is relegated to careers by most, India and I dove into its relationship with the opposite house (the Fourth), and what it means to bring our ancestry with us as we create our legacy.

S5 E36 and S5 E37

The Eleventh House + The Importance of Our Networks with Amandine de Gasperi

In this episode, I sat down with my IRL friend Amandine. We both have opinions about podcasts where the people are friends, so we did our best not to exclude the community from what we were talking about. We were not always successful, as you can tell from my laughing at some potentially incriminating moments (you’ll have to listen to find out). We talked about how we met, what we need from the people in our lives as new business owners, and how fundamental the house of networks is to the way our lives play out.

S5 E38 and S5 E39

The Twelfth House + Overcoming Limiting Beliefs with Karen Leigh

Not quite a year from the beginning of my personal journey through the Twelfth House, I sat with Karen Leigh to talk about hypnosis, NLP, and how mindset work is not always enough to change our life for the better.

S5 E40 and S5 E41

The Mystical Journey Back to Ourselves with Karolina Blaszkiewicz

The season finale was such a magical episode. Karolina and I talked about all the things to do with the Heroine’s Journey through the Underworld, which is such a foundational part of her work and of mine as well as our individual journeys as spiritual women. We touched all the houses, although not openly or deliberately. Such is the mystical journey that the Zodiac symbolises, after all.

S5 E42

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The character Amy Sherman-Palladino would write in a series about a traveling witchy photographer obsessed with Hakuoki
Currently in: London 🇬🇧
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The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

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Start and grow your personal brand as an artist so you can make more money and have more space to create more of your magic, without selling your soul to the Capitalism demon and forget your magic is in who you are

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Come behind the scenes of my kinda spiritual jet-setting life. 
