
The Mystical Journey Back to Ourselves with Karolina Blaszkiewicz

September 13, 2024

I’m going to age myself if you know your astrology, but I’m in a 12th house profection. The 12th House, aside from being the title of the wonderful podcast from Holisticim, is the House of the Subconscious and the Hidden. 

It’s associated to Pisces, so the liminal, and quite literally like the womb for a baby ready to be born as that’s where the Ascendant will fall and usher the first house, at least if you read your chart in Placidus. 

This house is both our self growth and our undoing, the place where our subconscious thoughts, beliefs and fears are born. If you believe in past lives, it’s where you find the imprint of those.

The 12th house does not just symbolise things that are hidden in our personality or life circumstances. Magic and spiritual studies also (partly) fall under the 12th house’s domain, as does sacred solitude. 

It may seem a bit ironic that I would dedicate a whole season of the podcast to the behind the scenes of the 12th house in real time, as it would seem like a journey you might want to share in hindsight, but something in my intuition said that I should, and so I committed myself to following it. 

Ever since its beginning in 2022, I set out for my podcast to be less of a place where I’m the expert teaching you and more one where we explore together. That’s already counter-cultural, because podcasts are increasingly becoming platforms for people to prove they know stuff about something. 

I have a Master’s degree in History, so to an extent if you did not spend 5 years of your life researching the intellectual history of early modern Europe then I do know something you don’t, but I also don’t know as much as I would after a PhD specifically on magic. 

I’m still learning and growing myself. And that’s kind of the point, as we’re reminded by the 8th of Pentacles in the Tarot. Mastery comes through repetition. And that’s true of everything we do in life, and in life itself. 

2024 is a number 8 in numerology. That’s associated with authority, self-confidence, inner-strength, inner wisdom, social status, ego and at the same time has to love for humanity and a desire for peace

That last part is also the tension of the nodal axis we’re on, which is Aries-Libra, although the love for humanity in general is also a theme of Aquarius, where Pluto is about to return. 

As I publish this, it’s back into Capricorn, where it was when I started Season 5 of the podcast.

8 is the number of infinity and cycles, quite literally sharing the shape with the infinity symbol. It’s also like the ouroboros duplicated. If you’ve never heard that word it’s unlikely you also have never seen the symbol before, as it’s ubiquitous in ancient cultures and in the esoteric tradition, especially in Hermeticism and Gnosticism. 

The word derives from Ancient Greek and is formed of the words for tail and eating, and it’s the name of the symbol of a snake eating its tails. It symbolised eternal cyclic renewal, but there are other interpretations in other cultures as well. They all have things in common with regards to the theme of change and rebirth.

British cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees has used the image of the Ouroboros in his book “Just Six Numbers”, where he showed how the behaviour and origins of the universe can be explained by just six numbers. He wrote of the ouroboros as symbolising the intimate links between the microworld and the cosmos, as tail and head meet to complete the circle. So the “as above, so below” of the Emerald Tablets is still echoed in the world of science as well as the world of magic. 

After taking the Intuition as a Spiral course with Lindsay Mack last year, I have become more attuned to the nature of these cycles being less linear, for lack of a better word. 

And I noticed something in the way other people talk about the themes of past transits returning, for example, but somehow until recently I still had a sense of the cycle of the year that was modelled on the way the Catholic liturgical calendar works. 

If you haven’t been raised in a liturgical church you may not see where I’m coming from, but basically the Church cycles through the life of Jesus and therefore it is the same thing every time. 

To an extent, your mystical understanding being spirolic is an idea I had already encountered at an advent retreat in 2018 I think, but it’s not quite as obvious in that context as it is when working with magic and time not being linear to begin with. 

Anyway, there is a pressure in Catholicism that is sometimes transferred to other forms of spirituality, and that is that you need to be constantly moving forward and improving. Now, a true dark night of the soul is a mark of a saint, but it is also seen as something that quantum leaps their godliness, so it’s still part of the striving for heaven narrative. 

Magic being spiralic, however, is about the unpredictability of the journey. Or, rather, that change is the only thing you can predict, and that it can be an upwards trajectory or a downwards trajectory and there is a lesson and a beauty in all of them. 

In some seasons your practice will look a certain way, and in others that way will not be resonant. Even the things you still resonate with may look different in different seasons. This is the underlying theme of this season of the podcast, which just wrapped up with my conversation with Karolina Blaszkiewicz.

Meet Karolina Blaszkiewicz

Karolina Blaszkiewicz is a highly skilled energy healer specialising in quantum healing sessions designed to facilitate transformative experiences for women. With a deep understanding of multidimensional healing, Karolina utilises advanced techniques to address traumas and clear energetic blockages on profound levels.

In addition to her healing work, Karolina is passionate about teaching feminine embodiment practices that empower women to connect with the potent medicine of their femininity. Through her guidance, women are able to tap into their spirituality and expand their consciousness, unlocking new levels of self-awareness and personal growth.

As the author of the acclaimed book “Mystical Journey,” Karolina shares her wisdom and insights with a wider audience, offering a roadmap for those seeking profound transformations and healing. With her compassionate approach and unwavering dedication to her clients’ well-being, Karolina brings forth powerful shifts and healing that resonate on both physical and spiritual levels.

Karolina’s website

Journey Of Transformative Healing And Empowerment


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