
Starry Sky and Witchy Things Season 1

close up photo of notebook with pen

August 16, 2024

The Starry Sky and Witchy Things podcast is the School of Life for star-obsessed witches (and friends).
Created by a cosmic witch for the modern empowered woman seeking to craft a more magical lifestyle.

In it, I explored the ways in which we can bring more enchantment to our lives.

It’s a mix of Sparknotes from the Western esoteric tradition (I did the research so you don’t have to) and guest experts sharing tools for healing and self-empowerment so we can all build lives we don’t want to escape from.

The Basics of Cosmic Witchcraft

The first season I run was the basics of Cosmic Witchcraft, a lesser known branch of the magical world. Everyone know about astrology but not many know about just how deeply you can work with the planets, the stars, and all the witchy things other than foraging in a forest.

Cosmic Witchcraft

In this episode, I introduced the podcast and Cosmic Witchcraft, giving tips for how to get started with your practice. I covered topics like defining witchcraft and the different approaches to magic, how spells and rituals differ, how to know if cosmic witchcraft is right for you, and what you need to get started with some nice to have things. I even shared my go-to simple daily spell to have a more positive day.

S1 E1

Moon Magic

In this episode, I spoke about Moon Magic and Lunar Living, which is the idea of aligning our life to the rhythms of the Moon. It’s about the cyclical nature of time, and the comforting predictability of things coming back. For witches, we can also think about the moon phase we are born under, the progressed moon cycle in Astrology, as well as rituals for the Full Moon and, if you’d like, the new and dark moon too. I also give the basics of a ritual how to centre, ground, and cast a circle.

S1 E2

close up photo of notebook with pen

Planetary Magic

In this episode I talked about Planetary Magic, that is using the planets other than the Moon to channel specific energies towards your goals. I covered spellcasting with the planets and crafting a spell, what the planets correspond to, and my simple and apartment-friendly ritual for releasing emotions, grudges, people, or anything you need to clear from your energetic space.

S1 E3

Star Magic

In this episode I talk about what used to be a big deal in the Renaissance, but it’s no longer well known even if we love Astrology: Star Magic. I cover what it is and its history, the Constellations and the major star events of the years, and Starseeds. Finally, I leave you with my own North Start Protection Spell, based on the Star card in the Tarot.

S1 E4

Cosmic Deities

In this episode I talked about the difference between witchcraft and paganism when it comes to the relationship with deities and the approach to deities in Secular, Science-seeking, and Agnostic Witchcraft. Then I introduce the Cosmic Deities from old religions of Europe and the Mediterranean and the idea of pop pantheons. Finally, I leave you with my simple Clarity Spell which works with Mercury (planet and/or god).

S1 E5

Astrology for Cosmic Witches

Astrology is a hot topic, and a big part of my life, as this blog shows. In this episode I gave you a brief history of Astrology and the main types in use today and then how to work with it in the here and now. I covered planetary transits and aspects, Retrogrades, the house cycles, progressed charts and returns, and even astrocartography (one of my favourite topics). Lastly, I gave you the instructions to make a prosperity jar. I keep mine on the altar near my desk within sight as a reminder of what I work for.

S1 E6

Tarot for Cosmic Witches

If you don’t know, I’m writing a book about the Tarot so I couldn’t be a bigger Tarot girlie than I am. In this episode I gave you a brief history of the Tarot (with some hot takes about the Golden Dawn), then went through the Major and the Minor Arcana and the Zodiac, and how to use Tarot for witchcraft. My practical tip of the week was a 4-card spread for the year ahead using the Zodiac.

S1 E7

Autumnal Styled Image of a Candle

Shadow Work

Shadow work is a key concept in Jungian psychology that witches have latched on to because of its power. In this episode, I covered what it is and why you should do it; how to work with the cosmic bodies to do shadow work, including how to read your birth chart to find areas to work on; ritual and spellwork for shadow integration and finally a cord-cutting spell and potential ritual to go with it, which is an alternative to, or an addition to, the release spell from earlier in the series

S1 E8

Being a City Witch

There’s a stereotype that witchy people live in the countryside like the Weasley home in Harry Potter, but city witches are not found just in The Craft. In this episode, I go through all the ways to practice magic in the City when a lot of the traditional stuff is not possible or safe for you, as well as tools and resources that you can use even to hide in plain sight.

S1 E9

Cosmic Witchcraft Q&A

In the final episode of the season I answered questions about my manifestation hot takes, feminine energy, why I disagree with the traditional Tarot – Astrology correspondences, what 3 books I think every witch needs to read, and one sent by my jokester of a best friend who doesn’t seem to believe I am in fact Mamoru Miyano. In truth, nobody has ever seen us in the same room at the same time…
Also I left you a self-love spell just in time for Valentine’s Day.

S1 E10

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The character Amy Sherman-Palladino would write in a series about a traveling witchy photographer obsessed with Hakuoki
Currently in: London 🇬🇧
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The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The Starry Sky and Witchy Things Podcast

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

The School of Life for Star-obsessed Witches.
Esoteric knowledge for the modern woman (but everyone’s welcome). Perfect for anyone who likes the stars, magic, and deep conversations between people who move through life from an energy of getting to be alive

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