
The Journey to Wholeness through Hypnosis with Asha Hope

June 21, 2024

One aspect of the 6th house in Astrology is energy leaks, so transits through this house can be intense periods where you have to work much harder in whatever the domain is by sign and by planet. This can be somewhat consistent with Virgo energy, since it is the sign that is whole unto itself, so there is an element of self-reliance to it that can be seen in the traditional significations too. But I feel that it’s a bit of a tenuous connection compared to the ancient views of why that is.

Either way, wholeness is a significant meaning of the 6th house, and the one at the heart of this guest episode. We’ll talk about hypnosis again in the context of the 12th house, but the reason we had this conversation first in the 6th isn’t just because it’s an axis, but because Asha’s story is a beautiful example of one theme of the 6th house, which is prevention rather than cure.

We discussed how going inwards is the path to healing because it’s all about unlearning what the world tells us we should be, and realising all the things we do are just to cope with feeling disconnected with ourselves, and this modality is a powerful way to connect with the core of who we are.

And about 30 min in he lead me (and by extension you, dear listener) through a beautiful hypnosis. Please be advised not to listen to that part of the audio is driving or operating machinery, and also when you are listening make sure you have a nourishing routine to fall back on to ground and integrate the changes.

Meet Asha Hope

Asha Hope’s origins trace back to Brussels, where his experiences have cultivated resilience and a drive to effect positive change. Overcoming challenges such as ADHD, Asha defied expectations, leaving school with distinctions and garnering awards for his exceptional writing prowess. His diverse life experiences led him to unanticipated paths, including becoming a paid fencing instructor and engaging in impactful philanthropic work in sub-Saharan Africa, combating desertification and advancing education. Asha’s personal transformation was further catalyzed through his deep dive into inner work and trauma release during his time in India. Months of intensive meditation and introspection steered his focus toward personal development, propelling him to empower individuals to overcome traumas and unlock their latent superhuman potential.

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