
Shifting Identities: My S3 Interview with Lou Henwood on Starry Sky and Witchy Things

April 12, 2024

This week on Starry Sky and Witchy Things I brought back a fan favourite from S3, the episode with Lou Henwood.

The First House in Astrology

For me, the First House represents the core of our identity and our self-awareness. It also reveals how we present ourselves to the world, although it goes beyond being a mere mask; it’s a lens through which we perceive reality and navigate our lives.

Over the years of our life, we face different layers of the Ascendant. The angular houses, particularly the First House, shape our life trajectories and personal growth. Rather than prescribing rigid definitions based on astrological signs, I emphasised the importance of introspection and self-discovery in unlocking the true essence of the Ascendant.

My conversation with Lou from summer 2023 was a perfect fit for these themes, and how even Astrology is very localised to where we are (you can even run relocated charts to see what energies get triggered in you in a different place).

As people, we are complex and multidimensional, and different situations can ignite change in us in different ways. The people we meet and the circumstances we face truly shift our trajectory in life, for good or for bad.

I know how often we change in ways that set us apart from the people in our immediate network, which is a big part of why I love having this platform I can share with other change-makers across the world, to connect each of you with other people who get it.

I’m extremely thankful for the new listeners that come into the family every week, and for all those of you who return episode after episode, and if you did hear this conversation the first time around I hope you’ll listen to it again because I’m sure there’s an even deeper layer of connection waiting for your in her story. 

Meet Lou

Lou Henwood is a Mindfulness therapist and coach, NLP Master practitioner, Higher Coding practitioner, QHHT, Dreamporting master, and Healer based in Cornwall, UK.

When I was thinking about who to invite for the first house episode, or whether to put out a call for guests in the many podcast groups I’m in, my intuition told me to just bring this conversation back. Obviously I had some resistance because “What do you mean I’m resharing an old episode when I’ve only been having this podcast for a year and a half?”

But it was an incredible conversation covering how our views of ourselves are conditioned by the culture we live in, and how going to the Philippines to build a museum changed her life as much as the place that the museum celebrates. 

Connect with Lou

Motag Living Museum

Lou’s IG

Lou’s Website 

If you enjoyed this episode, you should check out this post about why Shadow Work should be a part of your business.

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The character Amy Sherman-Palladino would write in a series about a traveling witchy photographer obsessed with Hakuoki
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