Dark Feminine

Manifestor Rising: Unleashing Your Dark Feminine Power Through Human Design

Manifestors have the ability to move its energy into action. That makes us the Initiators in this system that blends Astrology, the i-Ching, and other ancient mystical ideas and repackages them in an energetic roadmap.

Human Design is a tool which you can apply narrowly or widely. It can apply to all aspects of life from how you eat to where you live. But at the end of the day, it’s just a mirror for you to see yourself and how you are unique even when you share aspects with others.

I often feel out of place among Manifestors in the online space, but the whole 24h of my birthday make you one, so I had to reconcile with it: either the whole system is out, or that’s what it says about me.

Being an initiator

Manifestors are the only type with a direct connection to the archetypal energy some call the Divine. While on the surface we are the only type that does not depend on others, we respond to something too. Specifically, our creative urges.

Creative urges are an impetus that can look illogical to others, but feels like a matter of life and death. We cannot not make it happen no matter the cost. I have Gate 42 defined by my Conscious Mars, so I don’t have a problem with continuing things. As long as I care about them, that is. Other Manifestors seem to let go of things as soon as they initiate them, and have no interest in bringing them to a close, and that’s commonly the blanket statement that you’ll find in Human Design circles.

But the truth is our designs are nuanced and go much deeper than the type, which is the broad strokes of how our energy moves.

From Shadow to Sovereignty: Authentic Expression as a Manifestor

As the initiators, one of the characteristics of a Manifestor is that we have big, often intimidating, energy. Most of us have been conditioned to make ourselves smaller from a young age. I don’t think this boldness has to be extroverted and blunt to qualify, but that’s a point of contention with others in the Human Design space.

I have two channels that connect to the throat: 1-8 and 16-18. The unconscious side of the chart in Human Design represents tendencies we don’t always know we have, and for me that’s 16-48 which is about talent and mastery of it.

It’s part of the collective understanding circuitry and Projected, so it requires the recognition of others. It’s consistent with having issues sharing about my work on social media while I have no problem closing big sales in a meeting or even writing sales emails.

Instead of pushing and forcing myself to grow my social media to reach people beyond my existing network, I have given myself permission to lean into these natural expressions of my throat from an energetic place of believing my success is an inevitable byproduct of my alignment.

Audacious by Design: How Embracing My Manifestor Energy Transformed My Business and Life

These channels show up the most in how I cannot bear to have a job I don’t like. Plenty of people seem able to have a job just to pay their expenses and then creative hobbies but that’s never been me, and one thing I do shout from the rooftops is that we deserve not to force ourselves to do that.

The 1-8, which is the Channel of Inspiration, is about being the most you you can possibly be, and inspiring others through your example of radical self-acceptance. That’s why you’ll hear me talk about my toxic marriage, my many otaku obsessions, witchy things, and more. I love to share about music and fashion, and curate interesting things that I hope will be interesting to you too.

Empowering others through empowering ourselves

And while I occasionally will share on social media or the podcast what I’m working on and how you can work with me as your dark feminine manifestation coach, I tend to keep it for spaces where I feel the energetic invitation like my newsletter because that’s aligned for me. Other Manifestors have channels that don’t act like Projector energy and for them it’s aligned to inform in a different way.

This channel is from the individual knowing circuit, which is why I don’t really follow the marketing advice of many talented people who say if you have a business you have to post like a business and focus on conversions, not inspirational posts like influencers. But my design is that of an activator, and intentional inspirational quotes that aren’t the same old superficial fluff that everyone in the spiritual space has posted at least once are powerful to build my brand and thought leadership while calling people up to their potential and driving them to act.

But this shift required a lot of inner work on my part to be able to hold a personal brand around my own story instead of the value-based brands that focus on speaking into problems to sell the solution. I had to come to term with giving celebrity energy even when I had a combined 500 people audience across all channels (with some people signed up everywhere) and one of my childhood wounds is “who does she think she is?”

The Embodied Manifestor: Aligning Voice, Power, and Pleasure Through Human Design

The Manifestor type is, if you wish, the Yang type in Human Design, regardless of gender. That makes it complicated in an era that gives the Girlboss a bad rap, and we all want to be more in our feminine. We are meant to be in our Yin to receive our creative urges, and then by informing we will be setting things into motion in an outward manner.

So we are no more or less able to swing between these two sides of our energetics as other types even without going into the specifics from earlier around your channel types.

The Dark Feminine itself is a more Yang approach to the feminine, as it’s an umbrella term for the warrior goddesses of chaos and destruction that were not exactly sitting around looking pretty. The Dark Feminine is the primordial chaos from which all life came.

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy

Women exist in yin flow when it’s safe. Professional dominatrixes are some of the most feminine and flowy people out there when not in a scene, and many mummy dommes are soft in scenes too. That’s because it isn’t asserting dominance over a man that makes you exist in yang energy. 

Mothers, who are the apotheosis of traditional femininity, need this divine masculine energy to take care of their children. Any form of giving and proactive action is masculine energy in this context. Holding space for others is both a feminine and masculine ability, as you hold a container with boundaries while also being open to the energy of another person.

There is a common idea in polarity spaces that gender isn’t at all social construct therefore women are not naturally meant to embody masculine energy, which is ludicrous. Especially when the given reason is because of our hormonal cycles, as many would mention how men have testosterone as proof of that, as if women don’t (spoiler alert: they do, and it’s at its highest during the middle of the menstrual cycle).

Feminine flow requires radical self-responsibility for where your mind is limiting you looks like. The greatest example of that was how Femme came to an endWe can rationalise everything that feels safe even if the body isn’t in it. I know that well, given how long it took me to get out of my toxic marriage.

An Embodiment Journey

Human Design is about being in the body, and listening to our inner authority above all else. It’s most obvious for Generators, whose signature is satisfaction, but the homeostasis of humanity is pleasure.
We’re not meant to do things from obligation, and especially not Manifestors who are here to bring to material reality what exists in the world of ideas.

If you want to deepen your experience of manifestation as a Manifestor woman, and build a business that works with your energetic blueprint instead of against it, find out your Femme Fatale Business superpower.

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The character Amy Sherman-Palladino would write in a series about a traveling witchy photographer obsessed with Hakuoki
Currently in: London 🇬🇧
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